
Some kind of Cadwladeredladed

I've been frequenting den Eglantier lately. A lot of great shows there. Tuesday night's line-up was… varied.

1994! played emo punk rock much alike Grown Ups and Algernon Cadwallader, but louder and more chaotic. They were just 2 guys, one guitar player, one drummer. Nobody really needs bass, right? That's just a myth to satisfy people who can't handle 6 strings. Anyways, 1994! rocked out fast, technical, sounding at full force. A lot of up'n'downs on the string department and rushing vividly over the percussion stuff things. Despite being jetlagged and having crappy gear, they performed a great show and were really nice people. Never heard of them, but they'll get somewhere probably.

Your Highness sounds musically as they sound bandnameically: authorative, bombastic, god-like. Local crushing hardcore/metal band featuring ex-Autumn Delay guys. Good stuff. Really good stuff. Awesome riffs going on, surprising twitches here and there. I had heard the lot after about 15 minutes though, but anyways, in that timespan they convinced me they're pretty damn good. The drummer was awesome as well, he made everything look easy and relax as hell.

Punch is female fronted. You might by now know I have a boner for female incorporated hardcore/punk bands, so although I hadn't heard their music, I was stoked on this show as it was bound to be good. So I thought. So I expected. And so I was granted. Punch are angry. Fucking hell, they are angry. They're all about socio-political themes, backed by fierce, rapid, fast, raging, skorry riffs at great velocity and a high pace. Kids were going nuts, moshing and all that. Moshing is awesome. I didn't mosh but it's cool to see people lose sense because of music.
It's pretty powerful. Music, that is.

Algernon Cadwallader proved like-wise. Main reason I dropped my ass to Antwerp and paid entrance 'n' shit. Really excited. And when they began playing they tingled my nerves. I became happy. My senses were enthralled by sweet, sweet melodies and divine rhythms. (I do not precisely know what enthralled means.) And the screams - oh! - the screams. Desperate voices, hoarse, screeching, yet powerful, soft. They balance music in an unusual way, but they make it work because they are awesome. They put the '90s emo back on the map and brought it to Berchem. A lot better live than on record, mainly because of raw power and emotion. A smile stayed on my face the entire show.
Until the last song. For one, my cellphone (my main source of correct timing) decided to break down just then, also I only had like (I guessed) 10 minutes left for my last train and was pretty scared I'd miss it, consequently I left without hearing the last song, which could as well have been nothing special, but also something special. I ran to the station only to notice I had 5 minutes until my train left. Well, better safe than sorry. At least I saw Algernon Cadwallader.

Imagine if you would have missed out because you have a girlfriend or you don't have enough money or something. Would be pretty ridiculous.

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